it's been a while... is what i would say, every single time i write an entry on my diaries and journals and blogs. i'm always drifting in my thought, curious at every bits and pieces that came to me, distracting me from the fact that those thoughts are fleeting bubbles that could pop any time had i not written them; and wrote them i did not, for most of the times.

in reality, i enjoy it all; it has always been fun to me to write my thoughts. i don't know what's preventing me from doing it. almost as if my head is constantly whispering "someone's watching you, stop writing, people will respond badly" or " you'll stop doing this one day anyways, you can't get consistent at anything" or something like that. it's annoying and so hard to get rid of i just don't get why my brain is constantly pushing that to me despite it being obviously counterproductive.

but anyways... Alice's strongest knight is back, and i'll hopefully stay here for a long time.

if you think you know who wrote this, remember, you don't.

i hope you enjoy drifting in my sea of thoughts.